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What is The Fund’s main objective?

The Fund exists to serve the children of Gaza. Our goal is to offer them top medical treatment, support, and hope. Our Fund will follow up every step of the healing process for these children and help them return home as soon as their medical situation permits.

How will you bring children from Gaza to Lebanon to be treated?

We are working with the International Red Cross and diplomatic channels to be sure that we succeed in this mission. But, of course, given the enemy stops at nothing to destroy healing, if it does not work then we will use the funds received to heal children on the ground in Gaza through the medical network of Dr. Ghassan Abu Sittah.

Given that many of these children have injuries that need years of follow up and multiple surgeries, how will you follow up?

Each child will be assigned a case worker who will follow up on their medical, social, and mental well-being. Ultimately the goal is for the complete rehabilitation of Gaza’s medical sector, so we hope that once stabilized in Lebanon these children can return to Gaza to be cared for in their own communities. We will offer medical care that is not available in Gaza, but once the child is stabilized our aim is to return them safely home where our case workers will follow up to ensure full recovery.

How much money do you need to raise?

The number of casualties is harrowing. There is no amount enough to heal the wounds of Gaza. Medical cases that are being transported to Lebanon are highly complex and need serious and costly interventions. Once we have treated all the children we can, The Fund will redirect donations to helping in the rehabilitation efforts of Gaza’s medical sector and Sponsorship Program for the tens of thousands of children left with no surviving family members.

Why shouldn’t we work directly through international health organizations?

We are eager to work with all organizations that can speed the process of healing. From Lebanon we are collaborating with people on the ground both in Gaza, in Egypt, in Jordan, and in Syria. We encourage you to donate to as many funds, organizations, and channels that you trust. Gaza needs us all.

Why has Dr. Abu Sittah started his own Fund instead of working directly with the Ministry of Health in Gaza?

A group of volunteers set up this Fund under the auspices of Dr. Abu Sittah, hoping to use his expertise and vast network to help appease the overwhelming situation of Gaza’s medical sector.
The Fund seeks to extend support, at a critical time, when the system has been crippled by the direct targeting of the Occupation as well as enormous pressure from huge numbers of casualties.

How many children will you be treating?

Our goal is to treat 50 children at a time in Lebanon. This is the capacity of our current infrastructure, including social workers and dedicated professionals. In order to provide the best possible care for these children The Fund will work diligently and within its capacities.

Which hospitals in Lebanon will you be working with and will they share the financial burden?

The American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC) is the first hospital that we will be collaborating with and as the work of The Fund progresses we hope to recruit more hospitals, including public hospitals. AUBMC President as well as several physicians have expressed their full commitment to this initiative and financial processes will be discussed on a case by case basis as each child presents a unique set of challenges and needs.

Will the children be able to leave Gaza?

Yes they are able to leave Gaza, although it is a very complicated process that involves many international agencies and bodies. Many children have already left Gaza and some are in Egypt awaiting medical treatment.

What is the process and timeline for each child to receive medical aid? How much will it cost per child to host them and provide the necessary medical interventions?

The Executive Medical Board of The Fund will study each case and decide the appropriate medical interventions. Because each child has a unique situation, it is impossible to tell how long their healing process will take or how much it will cost.

Where will the child’s caretaker stay while in Lebanon?

The Ghassan Abu Sittah Fund has secured a number of families in Lebanon who are ready, willing, and able to open their homes to these caretakers for the duration of their stay in Lebanon. Staying with host families is one way to assist the healing process for individuals coming from Gaza. Being welcomed into the community and feeling cared for will surely assist physical and mental healing. A home will offer safety, warmth, and psychological support that a hotel or rented space cannot possibly offer, however, should we need more capacity we will look at furnished apartments and other temporary rental units.

What is your relation to UPA?

The GASCF is totally independent from UPA, though we share the same vision regarding the necessity of a timely multi-faceted response to the ongoing crises of war wounded children in Gaza.
UPA have kindly offered to be our fiscal sponsors until we are a fully registered entity. As such, UPA have offered us the opportunity to use their existing platforms in order to facilitate our mission. Considering the urgent nature of the situation is was important for us to start working as fast as possible, with a clear Memorandum of Understanding that protects the interests of both parties.